Baptisms are celebrated at Sunday Mass. At least one parent must be a registered parishioner.
(PENANCE): The regularly scheduled time for reconciliation is from 4:00 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. every Saturday or upon request. In addition, special reconciliation services are held during Lent and Advent every year. Time and dates are published in the bulletin and announced by Father prior to the services
First Holy Communion is celebrated every year in the spring as part of our second grade religious education formation. In order to participate, a child must be enrolled in our religious education program for at least one complete year prior to entering into a sacramental class.
Confirmation is celebrated every year in the spring as part of our middle school / high school religious education formation. In order to participate, a child must be enrolled in our regular religious education program for at least one complete year prior to entering into a sacramental class.
MARRIAGE: Contact a Catholic priest at least six (6) months before the desired wedding date. DO NOT set your wedding date until you have spoken with a priest.
If you are considering a vocation to the priesthood or religious life and need help discerning your path please contact the Vocations Office with the Diocese of Knoxville.
Call the office to inform us of anyone who is hospitalized, in a nursing home, or otherwise unable to attend regularly-scheduled Masses. Privacy laws prevent us from calling to get information about your condition when you are hospitalized unless you have given the hospital staff permission to speak to us.